Sensitive socialisation periods in puppies/kittens

Exposing your puppy or kitten to a diverse range of environments, objects, people and other animals is vital to helping them grow into confident adults. The key period in a puppy or kitten’s life where they are most eager to explore and will get the most benefit from exposure to new situations is called the sensitive or critical period for socialisation. The sensitive periods are different for puppies and kittens. Kittens have better outcomes if they are socialised by 9 weeks of age whereas for puppies the period extends to 12-14 weeks of age.


During this period, all new experiences should be positive  i.e. enjoyable for the puppy or kitten - a negative or overwhelming experience can lead to fear and avoidance of these situations in adulthood. During exposure to new situations, give your puppy or kitten lots of praise and treats, or play with them to help them relax and let them move away if anxious. Each animal is different and some will be naturally more fearful or shy than others. For these animals, let them explore at their own pace.


Be aware: Socialisation doesn’t end with the sensitive period. Positive interactions with other animals and people should continue during the first year of the animal’s life to reinforce the lessons they learnt in puppy-/kittenhood. A well-socialised animal will have less anxiety and be better able to integrate into your family.


For more information on the socialisation of puppies and kittens, please see the following article written by the American Veterinary Medical Association:


Appropriate age for desexing dogs/cats